


IN 2023 1000 MAJOR PROJECTS WILL BE COMPLETED ( 2011-2023 ) 



        •     368 billion USD worth investment projects  is planned in Transportation Industry until 2023 

      ( Roads –  Sea – Air transportation and Railways  ) 

•     The Ground Transportation is expected to  increase as %250,  The Sea and Rail Transportation is expected to                                                              increase as %400  

•     New projects at a value of  140 Billion USD in  Energy Sector  

•     The value of the “Amazing-Crazy Projects”( 2nd Bosphorus canal in Istanbul ) is estimated as more than 50 billion USD . 

•     400 Billion USD worth of  investment in urban transformation is planned to be realized  by the end of  2023. 

•     20.000 km new double-line roads will be constructed by the end of  2023. 

•     Türkiye-Wide 5000 km 12 new highways will be constructed by the end of  2023 

•     Serious investments and projects are being planned in Agricultural Sector. 

•     Our objective  is to be listed as “one of the biggest 10 Harbours of the World ” in Türkiye  until 2023. 

•     Natural Gas lines in 35 cities 

•     New projects at a value of  140 Billion USD in  environment and recycling  sector are planned to be realized. 

•     New investments in Energy Industry 

•     14.000 km Railway Project around  Turkey. 

•     100 Billion USD worth Railways investments by 2023. 

•     Fast speed Train Projects in 5 different regions of Turkiye 

•     5 Huge Water Way Projects 

•     100 Dams constructions in Turkiye 

•     26,7 billion USD worth investment projects  is planned in 

      GAP projects ( Southern East Anatolian Project )  

•     DAP projects ( Eastern Anatolian Project ) KAP projects 

      (Northern Anatolian Project ) 

•     500.000 units of new residence construction projects by 2015. 

•     Infrastructure  and structure construction projects 

      ( pavement ) in 50 cities. 

•     New Bosphorus Motorway Bridge Constructions in 

      istanbul and Canakkale 

•     Bay passingway Bridge in İzmit (3 km- 2nd longest bridge in Europe) 

•     New Bosphorus Motorway Bridge in izmir 

•     İstanbul – İzmir  Highway Project - 6,9 Billion USD worth 

•     2 Tunnells passway underwater one is Motorway - other is Railway 

      (İstanbul Bosphorus) 

•     10 New Airport Projects 

•     Need of new harbour  investments at a value of 3,6 Billion USD in  next 12 years
